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Transports - Haulage Firms - Mørkøv

Entries of the branch Transports from Mørkøv

Here you see all up to date registered entries of the trade Transports combined with the specification Haulage Firms in the location Mørkøv in Holbæk.

Please show all Transports

3 entries found

HÃ¥betsvej 16
4440 Mørkøv
phone: (+45) 59 27 40 71(+45) 59 27 40 71
fax: (+45) 59 27 40 41

Further hits from the region Holbæk

Industriparken 30

phone: (+45) 87 64 64 64(+45) 87 64 64 64
fax: (+45) 87 64 65 84
Industrivej 5
4450 Jyderup
phone: (+45) 59 27 77 98(+45) 59 27 77 98